Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Almost Christmas!

I absolutely love Christmastime. I love Christmas decorations, shopping for presents, the abundance of sweets, and the non-stop Christmas music and movies! It's hard to believe that this time of year is already here again. The years seem to be flying by...Eek!

We've been pretty busy lately. We are looking at houses in the area. We're still not 100% on any one house, but we have seen some we like for some decent prices. It's such a big commitment though that I'm very comfortable taking our time to find the right one. It will be nice (if we do buy) to have some more storage space. I love organizing and being organized, so that sounds good to me!

Two weekends ago we went to the SEC Championship. We met up with Julie and Laurie which was awesome! We couldn't sit with them of course because they had awesome student tickets in the front row, but it was still fun. Man I kind of miss those college roommate days! And the GATORS WON! Now they are headed to the National Championship in Miami. Most likely (at least at this point) we're just going to be watching it here in Atlanta.

This Friday night is Travis' holiday party for his new job. It's some sort of dinner mystery dinner theater...which I've always enjoyed in the past and feel it will pretty fun. I will also be glad when Friday arrives because I have 2 weeks off!